Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Topic 7: Current Issues and the Future of Education

Topic 7: Current Issues and the Future of Education

Recommended by Larry Cuban

NCLB, RTTT, Opting Out of NCLB

Merit Pay

"The Folly of Merit Pay," Education Week, September 17, 2003, Alfie Kohn

"Against 'Competitiveness,'" Education Week, September 19, 2007, Alfie Kohn

Topic 6: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Topic 6: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment



Alfie Kohn:

"It's Not What We Teach; It's What They Learn," Education Week, September 10, 2008

"Unconditional Teaching," Educational Leadership, September 2005

"Getting-Hit-on-the-Head Lessons," Education Week, September 7, 2005

Assessment and grades

"The Case Against Grades," Educational Leadership, November 2011, Alfie Kohn

Alfie Kohn on Standards and Testing:

"The Trouble with Rubrics," English Journal, March 2006, Alfie Kohn


Teaching content v. teaching students

Hidden curriculum

Technology in education

State and national assessment


Topic 5: Legal, Political, and Financial

Topic 5: Legal, Political, and Financial

Role Of Federal Government In Public Education: Historical Perspectives, Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins and Margaret Hawkins Hill

Key Issue: Prayer in School (Religion and Education)

An old debate over religion in school is opening up again 

Key Issues: School Choice, Private Schools, Homeschooling, Charter Schools

Topic 4: Diversity, Multiculturalism, Poverty/Privilege, Class, and Race

Topic 4: Diversity, Multiculturalism, Poverty/Privilege, Class, and Race

Unlearning Deficit Ideology and the Scornful Gaze:Thoughts on Authenticating the Class Discourse in Education, Paul Gorski

Good Intentions Are Not Enough, Paul Gorski

Equality of Educational Opportunity: A 40-Year Retrospective

Key Issue: At-Risk Students

Key Issue: LGBT Students and Education

Topic 3: Historical Foundations of Education

Topic 3: Historical Foundations of Education

Key Issue: Corporal Punishment

Key Issue: Single-Sex Education

Key Issue: Parental Public School Choice

Topic 2: Educational Philosophies

Topic 2: Educational Philosophies

Topic 1: The Teaching Profession

Topic 1: The Teaching Profession

History of teacher education

Is teaching a profession?