DUE before class Thursday (March 1).
Send by email as attachments (two separate attachments):
(1) Self-evaluation: Discuss in about 2 pp. (dbl-spaced, 12 pt font, 1"
margins) what you have learns so far this semester, how engaged you have been
in the course work (with specific examples), and what GRADE you believe you
deserve at midterm. Attach a file labeled with you three initials and
"selfeval": ex. ABC.selfeval.docx
(2) Class discussion: Email as an attachment a list of 6-10 topics to focus a midterm class
discussion focusing on the content addressed through midterm in EDU 111. This
should be a list with some detail about the topics--what you want to discuss,
etc. Attach a file labeled with you three initials and "midterm": ex.
"The very best thing you can be in life is a teacher, provided that you are crazy in love with what you teach, and that your classes consist of eighteen students or fewer. Classes of eighteen students or fewer are a family, and feel and act like one." Kurt Vonnegut